SINTEF launches a large new CCS project called COREu
COREu is a recently launched Carbon Capture and Storage project which is the largest Research and Innovation project, so far, to be funded by a European programme. SINTEF has stated that COREu will aim to show key technologies that are present throughout the entire CCS value chain within Southern Europe, whilst also supporting the development of CCS routes which link emitters with storage sites that are spread across Central Eastern Europe.
COREu has developed an excellent strategy to make this plan both effective and efficient. This plan involves bringing together potential routes and the stakeholders connected to these routes, in order to develop this project. COREu has gathered, Prinos/Kavala which is based in Greece, South Moravia from the Czech Republic, Baltic/Gdansk from Poland and Western Ukraine. Through these connections, COREu aims to begin developing an open-access, transnational network, which will effectively connect the emitters with the various storage sites located across Europe. The end result of this effort will be the creation of emitter clusters, developed through a focus on multimodal transportation. The creation and development of these will aim to result in the necessary demand and investment rationale for the deployment of CCS.
Whilst this project will be extremely beneficial to the immediate areas and companies that will be directly affected by it, the COREu project will have a much wider and larger impact than just its immediate aims. Through acting on their objectives to reduce the Co2 emissions and encourage the deployment of CCS in Europe, COREu also looks at large global challenges, whilst actively supporting the European Union’s commitment to reach climate neutrality. The project will also positively affect the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, such as, SDG 7, their Affordable and Clean Energy goal, as well as their SDG 9 goal which focuses on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and finally their SDG 13 aim which is dedicated to Climate Action.
Research Manager at SINTEF and Coordinator of COREu, Chiara Caccamo, commented, "COREu has been conceived to ensure a holistic approach to CCS value chain demonstration and to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience across Europe. The project brings together a consortium of over 40 partners, including emitters, technology providers, gas transmission system operators, transportation companies, research institutes and universities, all known for their expertise and leadership in this field."
Research Director at SINTEF, COREu Project Owner and Director of the Norwegian CCS Research Centre, NCCS, the world's largest centre of excellence for CCS, Mona Mølnvik, added, "By demonstrating key technologies and opening up new CCS routes, COREu will contribute to the development of CCS at scale and pave the way for a greener and more resilient Europe. As a leading research institute in this field, SINTEF is pleased to strengthen its partnership in Europe and contribute to the development of CCS."
Senior Business Developer at SINTEF, Francesco Finotti who is responsible for assembling the Consortium, mentioned, "The strong partnership will significantly accelerate the deployment of CCS across Europe by facilitating the creation of a common framework that includes technological know-how and business models aimed at reducing the risks of CCS deployment. The tremendous support we have received from various stakeholders and industry leaders underlines the broad recognition of the importance and potential impact of CCS deployment."