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15 Jan 2024

SCHWENK awards Capsol feasibility study

Amy Power
SCHWENK awards Capsol feasibility study

SCHWENK has chosen Capsol to perform the feasibility study on the CapsolEoP® (end-of-pipe) carbon capture technology. This project will focus on SCHWENK’s Building Material Group’s Broceni, cement plant in Latvia.

This project has been agreed upon as SCHWENK Latvija was one of the projects listed within the provisional sixth list of Projects of Common Interest by the European Commission in November 2023. They were listed through being part of the CCS Baltic Consortium and their project aims to develop a transportation method for captured Co2, so that it can be transferred from Lithuania and Latvia to permanent storage sites. It has been suggested that the permanent storage sites for this project, may be based in the North Sea.

One of the reasons why SCHWENK chose Capsol Technologies, is because cement is one of the company’s target segments. Estimated figures from the International Energy Agency (IEA) suggest that the cement industry will be responsible for over three hundred million tons of captured carbon emissions by 2030. This would mean that 30% of the total carbon capture industry is built from the cement industry.

Aside from this new project with SCHWENK, Capsol is also currently working with other project pipelines which include ten large-scale cement projects. At the moment these projects are in the sales engineering and engineering studies phase. These studies will be incredibly beneficial, as they will have the carbon capture capacity potential of an estimated eleven million tons of carbon dioxide, every year.

CEO SCHWENK Northern Europe, Reinhold Schneider, commented, “Checking the best carbon capture methods and how they can be integrated with our production process is a crucial task for us on the way to carbon neutrality, and likely the major investments direction for the coming decade. To that end, we are excited to investigate the energy consumption and the scale of equipment required for carbon capture at Broceni plant, if potentially partnering with Capsol for this challenge.”

CEO of Capsol Technologies, Jan Kielland, added, “We are excited to work with SCHWENK, one of the most innovative building materials producers in Europe that has constantly improved its processes to reduce emissions since operations started at the Broceni plant’s new kiln line in 2010.”


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