Kepler Carbon Recapture: A Network of Deep-Water, Ocean-Based Platforms for Biological and Physical Carbon Capture
Texas-based Kepler Carbon Recapture’s approach is a multitude of technologies that include carbon removal, monitoring, recording, and verification. KCR’s team is made of a multidisciplinary group of expert scientists and researchers who are hard at work engaging this challenge.
“As greenhouse gasses accumulate, oceans are warming and acidifying, while extreme weather systems are becoming more frequent, and food creation and distribution are a growing challenge,” said Debi-Lee Wilkinson, CEO for Kepler Carbon ReCapture.
Kepler Carbon ReCapture’s Solutions
KCR sees a network of deep-water, ocean-based platforms for biological and physical carbon capture while protecting marine life in their vicinity. Using their self-generated, emission-free energy, KCR uses innovative technology which extracts excess CO2 from both the air and oceans.
Once extracted, CO2 is then transformed into durable carbon products as an alternative to existing carbon-based products. This, along with creating desalinated fresh water for thirsty coastal nations with marine-derived green energy, addresses major economic and geopolitical issues.
“Bottom line, we are aligning industry with earth’s natural processes, creating a model where economic activity and sustainable atmospheric ocean carbon management will lead to multi-billion dollar markets,” says Wilkinson.
Source: Kepler Carbon Recapture
Image courtesy of Kepler Carbon Recapture