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23 Oct 2023

JERA will oversee a collaboration between multiple companies to study CCS Indonesia power plants

Amy Power
JERA will oversee a collaboration between multiple companies to study CCS Indonesia power plants

The Indonesian Government recently announced their goal of being carbon neutral by 2060, which means the need to decarbonise the country’s electrical sector has rapidly increased. This sector currently accounts for 40% of the country’s Co2 emissions and is therefore a very important issue and needs attention imminently.

ERA, JGC Holdings and the Indonesian State Electricity Company have agreed to work together and perform a study of the Indonesian power plants to decipher where opportunities for carbon capture could be. The companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which states that the three companies will study the potential for carbon capture and storage at the Indramayu Coal-Fired Power Plant and the Tambak Lorok Gas-Fired Power Plant. Both of these sites are owned by PLN subsidiaries and the companies will look into each plant’s technical issues and business feasibility, whilst also investigating legal regulations, identifying any issues and deciding what the potential for CCS at both sites will be.

JERA, JGC and PLN will all work together on the development of this project, with JERA taking responsibility for the project as a whole and will carry out market research around CCS project, including evaluating feasibility and researching the legal system. JGC will focus on different techniques for carbon storage and PLN will look at where CCS is being considered within the plant and provide data around these points and compare the results and coordinate the results with related local organisations.

This project highlights the work JERA has been putting in to helping Indonesia carry out the energy transition they are working towards. Through lots of research, carrying out studies and following up with other support, JERA has been developing a decarbonisation roadmap for the country’s power sector. The JGC Group is also putting in a substantial amount of effort to aid the commercialisation of CCS in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and other countries in Southeast Asia. JGC has also committed to expansions within its own business, such as in the energy transition field, such as CCS. JGC’s efforts will also contribute to reaching the goal of a decarbonised society, as well as promoting a circular economy through offering a range of solutions.


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