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04 Nov 2024

A CO2 transport network will be created by 1PointFive

Amy Power
A CO2 transport network will be created by 1PointFive

It has been agreed that the Occidental subsidiary will develop the network along with Enterprise Products Partners, with the intention of supporting the new Bluebonnet Sequestration Hub. This project is what 1PointFive is currently focused on creating in southeast Texas.

Recently 1PointFive’s Bluebonnet Sequestration Hub, received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This funding was provided to the project in order to assist the Hub’s development, whilst it would simultaneously help to realise the potential of carbon sequestration within the United States.

As stated within the Transportation Services Agreement, as soon as 1PointFive gives notice, Enterprise will create a new pipeline network and they will also provide fee-based transportation service to 1PointFive. These transport services will allow 1PointFive to transport CO2 emissions captured by third parties at facilities within the Houston Ship Channel’s vicinity, to 1PointFive’s Bluebonnet Sequestration Hub. It has been planned that the new pipeline network will be co-located with existing pipeline infrastructure.

President of 1PointFive Sequestration, Jeff Alvarez, commented, “We are excited to reach this milestone and look forward to collaborating with Enterprise to build a CO2 transportation network for our sequestration hub, which is designed to provide a reliable and efficient way for hard-to-abate sectors to address their CO2 emissions. This agreement pairs our expertise managing large volumes of CO2 with Enterprise’s decades of midstream experience to bring confidence to industrial customers seeking a decarbonization solution.”

Executive Vice President of Asset Optimization for Enterprise’s general partner, Bob Sanders, added, “This project with 1PointFive builds upon the strong working relationship we have had with Occidental for many years. By leveraging our proven midstream expertise and integrated network of assets, we are well positioned to provide a reliable and cost-efficient CO2 transportation solution.”


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